This document lists the steps to getting Edge onto a SIX account.

1. Add access rights to the domain for fees.

2. Log into CAS. (To be able to log into CAS you must change the license type on CAS/Merchant from SIX to EVERY20).

3. Add the fee on CAS.

4. Check the fees table and make sure the ReasonCode for the fee you added is 6.

6. Add Enable_Edge to the pos_configuration table (per register).

7. Make sure Edge is on pos_configuration_keys.

8. Add the feeid to fee_tender. (The first column is just an id, the second is the foreign key id from the fees table and the third is tender type (CREDIT, CASH, CHECK).

9. Sync and/or logout of SIX. When doing a transaction, the original amount and the amount with fee included should show.

10 Change license type back to SIX after this update.