The A920 running RapidConnect retains 3 pieces of information including a MID (MerchantID), TID (TerminalID), DID (Datawire ID). The MID/TID are automatically updated when a build is pushed. But the DID is not, because the old DID is retained by the device until it is MANUALLY registered. So all transactions will fail even if the build seems fine, because it has not cleared out the old DID. This process clears out the old one so the new one can be put into it's place.

If you are switching from one RapidConnect Customer OR Switching TIDs to another, you have to do this. This only applies to RapidConnect.

Open RapidConnect App
Scroll to Function
Host Settings
Enter Password (Today's date longform mmddyyyy)
Self Register
It should say it's self registered now

A test transaction should work in POSLINK Demo or retailcloud.