This process details how to setup a merchant for printing on a secondary printer.
Prerequisites: 2 printers (1 receipt printer, 1 printer that uses standard letter format), 1 POS
On the CAS:
Run this sql update on the merchant AND push the updates to the POS with the push query function.
ALTER TABLE `subcategory` ADD COLUMN delivery_flag INT(10) DEFAULT NULL ;
INSERT IGNORE INTO `accessrights` (RoleID,FunctionID,RightID) VALUES (2,1080,6);
INSERT IGNORE INTO `accessrights` (RoleID,FunctionID,RightID) VALUES (3,1080,6);
Add or update a subcategory with the Delivery flag checked and make sure it has at least 1 item in it.
On the POS:
When the item is sold that is in the specified subcategory, after the sales receipt prints, a popup will ask the cashier if they want an additional receipt and which printer to send the request to.