· Start by customizing the default settings on the management portal (sales tax rate, employee names passwords and email addresses) and you can add additional employees as well.

· Move your items from your current POS and add the items into the system. We have many ways to do this including importing a file. The data can include just the itemID, item description and sales price. For greater analytics include classifications (such as department, category), or attributes (such as size, color, style), this will allow you to filter your reports to hone into specific areas to analyze.

· If you are importing your file, you can use retailcloud’s ticket system to have the file reviewed and even loaded for you. Questions that you may have can be addressed through the ticket system as well

· When ready, download the app from the  retailcloud app store. This is the location for both the WinPOS desktop solution, Android tablet, as well as the suite of other products that you may want to explore as you get going. 

Level of Difficulty: Easy to Medium (depends on compexity of item file)

Time: 30 minutes to 45 minutes

Link to Day 2