The CR950 by CodeCorp is a compact, easily configurable, usb scanner that can work with just about any system or POS.
It is configured using QR Codes. Below are some of the more common codes. You can scan them as long as the CR950 is connected to a computer, or tablet. If scanning off of a monitor does not work, this document can be printed instead.
All codes are taken from
The first code must be scanned in order to get the scanner working as intended. (By default it does not simulate an enter button press on scanning)
Enter After Scanning (usb) - Simulate Enter button Press on Scan
Drop UPC-A Number system (First Digit) optional
USB Enumeration - Stops the Scanner from causing problems during bootup
Save Settings - This should be run when doing any configuration changes.
Reset to default Settings - This will return the scanner to Default Settings. (If you run this, remember to rerun the first two codes to get the scanner working correctly).