
[RCCAS1-1645] - Merchandise Receipt shows No Data if no warehouses are present

[RCCAS1-1751] - Transaction reprint error on Manual Sale with Exchange 

[RCCAS1-1756] - Modify Customer Group  Error

[RCCAS1-1757] - Modify Pricebook needs to show the existing details on class/attribute level discounts

[RCCAS1-1762] - Customer details is shown as null in CAS receipts when no customer is attached to the transaction

[RCCAS1-1766] - Loyalty Modify Points doesn't return more than x results on search and is not allowing the users to search

[RCCAS1-1768] - Customer Search on POS is not working sometimes


[RCCAS1-1673] - Ability to print Barcode Labels from a PO in CAS

[RCCAS1-1744] - House Accounts Report - Needs Ability to Show Transaction Detail using the showCustomerRcpt

[RCCAS1-1760] - Help Links  for the CAS Pages