Troubleshooting Scale steps (Brecknell, Windows)
Default Settings:
BaudRate: 9600
Databits: 8
Stopbits: 1
Parity: NONE
This is a list of troubleshooting steps to take when a Brecknell scale is not working in Windows. Steps are listed from easiest to hardest.
- Turn Scale off and on again.
- Turn PC off and on again.
- Using SQLYog make sure AppType is set to Decimal in generalsettings table.
- Using SQLYog, make sure you have items set to ForceWeigh in item_extended_info table (SKU_TYPE 2)
- Check to see if the maintenance screw was removed from bottom of scale after setup. It sticks out about 1/2 inch from the bottom and must be removed with a small wrench. Turn scale off and on again.
- Check all connections and restart scale. Unplug and plug all cables, including power, usb, display (if separate) from scale and PC. NOTE: DO NOT connect to BLUE usb ports, only use BLACK usb ports.
- Java Version should be JRE 7. Uninstall all other versions and update POSSystem batch files to point to correct java version and restart PC.
- Download and move 64-bit Compatibility files into appropriate Java folders.
- Download and Uninstall/Reinstall drivers Brecknell Virtual Serial Drivers. Restart both devices afterwords.
- Download and use Putty to try and connect to the scale through the usb virtual serial connection (check Windows Device Manager for the port). Put something on the scale and Press SHIFT+W+ENTER to get weight from the scale. Data should populate the window.
- If data does not populate window, likely it is a scale hardware issue.
- If data does populate window, close Putty. Open SQLYog and update rows of hardwaresettings table to reflect default settings: 9600,8,1,NONE and change Scale Port to virtual serial port.
GetWeigh button should work, or ForceWeigh should work when scanning.