
Mass modify price will give you the ability to select an attribute by which you wish to adjust all prices up or down by dollar amount or by percentage, or to a specified fixed amount.

Step One: 

Find this option by navigating to Management> Inventory Classification > Mass Modify price

Step Two: Select the attribute by which you wish to adjust items. Keep in mind, every item within that attribute will be affected by the change.

For this example, we have chosen the brand of Oasis Water. All items that are within the brand "Oasis Water" will be affected by the change.

Step Three: Select the adjustment type you wish to apply to your selection. 

Amount - will adjust all items in your selection by a dollar amount, either adding to or subtracting from the existing amount, based on what you specify.
Example: Amount & Add is chosen, $2 is entered, all items in the specified selection will be adjusted to a price of $2 more than their original price. If an item was $10, it will now be $12.

Percent - will adjust all items in your selection by a percentage, either adding to or subtracting from the existing amount, based on what you specify.

Example: Percent & Subtract is chosen, 10% is entered, all items in the specified selection will be adjusted to a price that is 10% less than their original price. If an item was $10, it will now be 10% less, and now $9.

Fixed Amount - will adjust all items in your selection to an amount you specify.

Example: Fixed Amount & 10 is entered, all items in the specified selection will be adjusted to a price of $10. If an item was $5, it will now be $10.

Clicking save will apply the change to the selected attribute. Verify the change by looking up an item within the selected attribute and verify the new price has been applied.

Rights Access: This feature is available to PRO license level users.