You can modify your receipt headers and footers 

  • On the web portal (CAS)
  • On the WinPOS
  • On the TabPOS


On the Tablet (TabPOS)

Navigate to Configuration (from the Home screen swipe in from the Left) Select Receipt from the Tabs

Select Header

The right side will display the current header information. Make your modifications and Save

Select Footer

The right side will display the current footer information.Make your modifications and Save

On the Web Portal (CAS)

Navigate to Management>Hierarchy>Modify Hierarchy

Select Type: Store from the dropdown
Select which store you are changing the receipt, press Find

Make the changes to the Receipt Settings section for any or all of the 5 lines available for the header and footer on the sales receipt

Press Modify to save your changes

On  the Windows Application (WinPOS):

Using the Tabs, navigate to Configuration>Settings>Receipt

Modify the header and footer information and press Green check box to Save