download and register tablet POS

tablet POS


  1. Plug USB Printer cable into tablet
  2. Login to tablet - Go into Configuration - Hardware - Receipts
  3. Under Primary Receipts select which Printer is going to be Default Printer
  4. Save Hardware Settings
  1. Plug USB scanner cable into Tablet
  2. Once plugged in Turn off Physical keyboard on settings
*Tablet thinks physical keyboard is plugged in and wont popup onscreen keyboard

download and register desktop POS

desktop POS


  1. Plug USB or LPT1 Printer Cable to POS
  2. Make sure Printer is set as Default Printer on POS
  3. Login to POS  - Configuration - Hardware Settings
  4. Select whether Printer is USB or LPT1
  5. Select Printer Type (Star or Epson)
  6. Save Hardware Settings
  1. Plug USB or PS2 Scanner cable to POS
  1. Plug USB or PS2 Keyboard cable to POS